목록오디오클립 (2)

http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=3075247 Cytokine storm (KOR) HA HYUN-OCK The author is the head of the welfare administration team of the JoongAng Ilbo. “Did you say an ‘immune storm?’ Aren’t you lucky to be young and healthy, as you have a strong immune system?” asks Yoo Si-jin, a special forces ca koreajoongangdaily.joins.com [오늘의 단어] Precision : 정확(성), 정밀(성),..

http://mengnews.joins.com/view.aspx?aid=3074959 Good Samaritans (KOR) LEE DONG-HYUN The author is the head of the industry 2 team of the JoongAng Ilbo. I sought out face masks at the onset of the spread of the new Covid-19 coronavirus since my profession requires frequent contacts with people. Since I am th mengnews.joins.com seek : (...을 발견하기 위해) 찾다, (필요한 것을 얻으려고) 구하다/추구하다, 청하다 구하다 onset : (불쾌한..